
THE CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLE of GREATER BOSTON is searching for new and former members!!!!! For your Annual Dues of $20.00 (Individual) or $25.00 (Family), Membership gets you the opportunity to join folks, who since 1957, have been spending their better evenings at our monthly meetings, learning about this VERY SPECIAL period of our United States History. For your dues, you also get our monthly newsletter, THE RECALL JOURNAL, which will detail what happens at the meetings of Greater Boston and others, gives you up to date information on the latest in Preservation Efforts around this Great Nation, THE RECALL JOURNAL will also give you the latest information on Programs and Events in many of the other Civil War Round Tables around New England. Also included in THE RECALL JOURNAL, will be the details of our many Special Events such as Seminars, Awards Dinners, and our very popular FOUR DAYS IN MAY BATTLEFIELD TOURS that we sponsor each year to various Civil War and Historical Sites. If you are interested in Reenactor or Living History events, you will also find them listed within the pages of THE RECALL JOURNAL. While you are free to express (and invited to) any opinions that you have at one of our meetings (this IS America), you can only vote in our Elections which are held every two years, if you are a Fully Paid Member in Good Standing at the time of the Elections.

The purpose of a Civil War Round Table, is the Perpetuation through Preservation and Education Efforts, of this GREAT and TRAGIC HISTORICAL event in our United States History, and some related periods. We do this through our regular meetings ten times per year, where we have oral and written Presentations given by our members, or individuals from other Historical organizations. Some are experts, many are, like ourselves, Amateur Historians. We do this through our Special Events, like our Seminars and Dinner Meetings, or our Annual FOUR DAYS IN MAY BATTLEFIELD TOURS where we travel to many Civil War or other Historical Sites. We are deeply committed to Preservation-Locally, Regionally, and nationally-of any Civil War Battlefield, Monument, Document, or Genealogical History. The Civil War Round Table of Greater Boston has long been at the forefront of Preservation in this Great Nation, and was the first to become involved with several of America's finest Preservation Organizations and Causes. On the Educational side, we have always been the FIRST to bring our Programs and Historical Knowledge to each and every Local Community in their Libraries, Historical Societies, and especially into their School systems.


ALL that you need is a sincere interest in History, not necessarily Civil War History, along with a desire to share that interest, and your passion for it, with other folks just like you!!! ALL ARE WELCOME!--ALL ARE WELCOME! MEMBERSHIP IS OPEN TO ANY INDIVIDUAL OR FAMILY ---MALE OR FEMALE---YOUNG OR OLD---BLACK OR WHITE---NORTHERN OR CONFEDERATE LEANING!!!!! ALL ARE WELCOME!!!!!


Please accept my $____________Annual Dues, and add me (us) to the Roll Call of The Civil War Round Table of Greater Boston, which begins on September 02, 2016 and expires on August 31, 2017, with meetings held from September to June each year.


Name________________________________________Home Tel: (___)___________Work Tel:_(___)____________ Address:_____________________________________City____________________State_______Zip______________ Email Address:________________________________Fax: (___)______________________________________ General Interest in History______________________Referred to CWRTGB By______________________________ Would you be interested in assisting The CWRT of GB in some capacity such as: Giving a Presentation___YES__NO Serving on a Committee___YES___NO__Preservation__Refreshments__Education__Membership___Dinners____

Please print this out and mail with payment to: CWRT Treasurer Al Smith at 11 Poplar Street, Belmont Mass. 02484 or EMail to David L. Smith, President, 3 Waverley Oaks Rd. #202 Waltham, Ma. 02452-6274