THE MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY 1154 ......Boylston St. Boston, Ma. 02215-3695 Tel: (617) 536-1608 or http://www.masshist.org

THE MASS. HOME DIRECTORY of MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETIES..... http://www.masshome.com/histsoc.html

THE PRESERVATION DIRECTORY of MASSACHUSETTS................. http://www.preservationdirectory.com

Arlington Historical Society..7 Jason St. Arlington, Ma. 02472 Smith/Russell House (enter from rear) Tel: (781) 648-4300 or http://www.arlingtonhistrical.org or Email at contact@arlingtonhistorical.org

Andover Historical Society/Museum 97 Main St. Route 28 Andover, Ma. 01810 Tel: (978) 475-2236 or Website..http://www.andoverhistorical.org

Bedford Historical Society 2 Mudge Way Bedford, Ma. 01730 tel: 781-275-7276 or Email: info@bedfordmahistory.org or Website.....www.bedfordmahistory.org ./..See...Pres. Jan van Stenwick at 781-275-7488

Beverly Historical Society & Museum 117 Cabot St. Beverly, Ma. 01915 Tel: (978) 922-1186 or http://www.beverlyhistory.org or Email: info@beverlyhistory.org

Brighton-Allston Historical Society www.bahistory.org or EMail bamail@bahistory.or or call 617-782-8483

Brockton Historical Society P.O. Box 34 Brockton, Ma. 02334 or http://www.brocktonma.com

Brookline Historical Society 347 Harvard St. Brookline, Ma. 02446...Tel. 617-566-5747 or Email brooklinehistory@gmail.com or www.brooklinehistoricalsociety.org

Canton Historical Society Washington St. Canton, Ma. 02021 or...http://www.canton.org/canton/Canton_Historical_Society.htm

Charlestown Historical Society..............................http://www.charlestownhistoricalsociety.org

Chatham Historical Society 347 Stage Harbor Rd. P>O> Box 381 Chatham, Ma. 02633 Tel: 508-945-2493 or EMail: mwilkins@chathamhistorical.org or Website: http://www.chathamhistoricalsociety.org/main5.htm

Cheslea Historical Society Attn: Nadine Mironchuk 187 Webster Ave. #2 Chelsea, Ma. 02150 or http://olgp.net/chs

Dedham Historical Society 612 High St. Dedham, Ma. 02026 Tel: (781) 326--1385 or http://www.dedhamhistorical.org

Dorchester Historical Society 195 Boston St. Dorchester 02125 Earl Taylor, Ptresident at 617-265-7802 or Email dorhist.org or www.dorchesterhistoricalsociety.org

Dover Historical Society.Caryl House 107 Dedham St. Dover, Ma. 02030 Tel: (508) 785-0567 or Website http://www.doverhistoricalsociety.org or EMail: info@doverhistoricalsociety.org

Fall River Historical Society 451 Rock St. Fall River, Ma. 02720 Tel: (508) 679-1071 or http://www.lizzieborden.org

Framingham Historical Society & Museum P. O. Box 2032. Framingham 01703 contact Annie Murphy Ex. Director at.......... 508-626-9091 or director@framinghamhistory.org or http://www.framinghamhistory.org

Haverhill Historical Society 240 Water St. Haverhill, Ma. 01830 Tel: (978) 374-4626 or http://www.haverhillhistory.org

Hopkinton Historical Society 168 Hayden Rowe Hopkinton, Ma. 01748 Tel: (781) 642-0125 or http://www.museumsusa.org/museums/info/1161043

Jamaica Plain Historical Society P.O. Box 2924 Jamaica Plain, Ma. 02130-0024 Tel: (617) 522-1150 or http://www.jphs.org

Leomionster Historical Society 50 School St. Leominster 01453 at http://www.leominsterhistorical.org

Lexington Historical Society P.O. Box 514 Lexington, Ma. 02420 Tel: (781) 862-1703 or http://www.lexingtonhistory.org or Email: info@lexingtonhistory.org

Lynn Historical Society 590 Washington St. Lynn 01901, Steve Babbit President or http://www.lynnmuseum.org

Malden Historical Society 36 Salem St. Malden, Ma. 02148.....http://www.museumsusa.org/museums/info/1161071

Medford Historical Society 10 Governors Ave. Medford, Ma. 02155 ...www.medfordhistorical.org

...Also The Brooks Estate, Medford......................................................www.brooksestate.org

...The Royall House, Medford.................................................................www.royallhouse.org

Medfield Historical Society 6 Pleasant St. P.O. box 233 Medfield 508-359-4773 Email medfieldhistoricalsociety@gmail.com or Website: http://www.robertluttman.com/MedfieldHistoricalSociety/Medfield_Historical_Society

Natick Historical Society 58 Eliot St. (Bacon Free Library Bldg.) South Natick, Ma. 01760........ http://www.natickhistory.com

Needham Historical Society 55 Glendon Rd. Needham, Ma. 02393 Tel: (781) 455-8860 or http://www.needhamhiistory.org or Email Gloria Greis Ex. Dir. at g.greis@verizon.net

New Bedford Preservation Society, 388 County St.(P.O. Box 1618), New Bedford, MA 02741
Email: nbps2000@yahoo.com or call 508-997-6425
Website: http://nbpreservationsociety.org/

Quincy Historical Society 8 Adams St. Quincy, Ma. 02169.............. http://www.quincyhistory.org

Partnership of the Two Historic Bostons visit.......... www.historicbostons.com

Peabody Historical Society 81 Locust St. Peabody, Ma. 01960 Tel: (978) 531-0805 or http://www.peabodyhistorical.org

or Email: info@essexheritage.org

Pierce House Historical Society 17 Weston Rd. Lincoln, Ma.781-259-9757 or http://www.piercehouse.com/Historical3.html

Randolph Historical Society 360 North Main St. Randolph, Ma. 02368 or http://greenfield.fortunecity.com/tower/50/rhs_home.htm

Revere Historical Society 51 Woodland Rd. Revere, Ma. 02151 Tel: (617) 289-4278

Saugus Historical Society P.O. Box 1209 Saugus, Ma. 01906............ http://www.sauugus.org

Salem History Society c/o IMHCT 203 Washington St. Salem or visit....... www.salemhistorysociety.org

Sharon Historical Society P.O. Box 175 Sharon, Ma. 02067........ http://www.sharonhistory.org

South End Historical Society 532 Massachusetts Ave. Boston, Ma. 02118 tel: 617-536-4445 or Email: admin@southendhistoricalsociety.org Website is: http://www.southendhistoricalsociety.org

Stoneham Historical Society 36 Williams St. Stoneham, Ma. 02180........ http://www.geocities.com

Sudbury Historical Society P.O. Box 233 Sudbury, Ma. 01776 978-443-3747 or sudburyhist01776@verizon.net or http://www.sudbury01776.org

Waltham Historical Society Francis Cabot Mill 190 Moody St. Waltham, Ma. 02454 Tel: (781) 891-5815 or http://www.walthamhistoricalsociety.org or Email: waltham.historical.society@gmail.com

The Historical Society of Watertown 28 Marshall St. Watertown, MA. 02472 (The Edmund Fowle House) Email Joyce Kelly at joycekel@aol.com or President Marilynne K. Roach or their new Website (eff. 01/01/11)...www.HistoricalSocietyOfWatertownMa.org

Wellesley Historical Society 229 Washington St. Wellesley, Ma. 02482 Tel: (781) 235-6690 or http://www.wellesleyhsoc.com

Winchester Historical Society P.O. Box 127 Winchester, Ma. 01890-012.......http://www.winchesterhistoricalsociety.org

Woburn Historical Society Contact info@woburnhistoricalsociety.org or 781--287-0260 or www.woburnhistoricalsociety.com